February Team – Cornerstone Church – Update #4

Started out with breakfast and devotions. In the kitchen we cut up 25 gallons of beautiful strawberries to be used for strawberry shortcake and parfaits.
Gary, Carrie, Max and Jorge are still working on Pam’s house. Landen made checkers from scratch sanded and painted them and then tested them out with the kids.
Had lunch with the high schooler’s and learned more about them. Max had a great visit with Pastor Emilio, Jorge, and Gaby about the mountain churches. Mary and a few ladies from our group passed out appreciation gifts to the teachers. In the afternoon we visited two families from the soup kitchen and brought them staples. It was very humbling. We were invited to the home of Elena (Little Giant) and Luisa for a gracious dinner. The concerns they have for the hearts of Guatemala and the world are so touching. Had a wonderful time sharing stories around the table. We walked home and met many of Max and Mary’s friends along the way.

Click here to see more photos of the Cornerstone Team