Coming Back Home

Coming Back Home

The longer this time of lockdown takes, the more hope and endurance tends to weaken. This month, we have a real story of a villager that is coming back home with a beautiful story to tell, full of hope, happiness, and new plans of service to her people. Here it is. Be blessed. Dr. Luz…

Where is our Trust?

Where is our Trust?

The dreaded day came. One positive case emerged in San Pedro and the community is looking for answers. It is possible that the patient caught the virus in Santa Clara but there is nothing certain about anything anymore. This patient decided to stay at home and, there was no other choice, the referral hospital was…

Chain of Love

Chain of Love

In a time of pandemic what else is there to say…… looks like the news is already repeating themselves.  The numbers keep going up and we still do not have the cure.  Guatemala is not different than the rest of the world, even with the curve going up exponentially, we have no cases in San…

Life in San Pedro through Covid-19

Life in San Pedro through Covid-19

As I walk to the store to buy a few things my mind remembers the usual Sunday sounds that impregnate the environment here – church worship leaders tuning their instruments, the roar of tuc tuc engines as they drive around town, voices in the jam-packed market, street vendor voices offering their products, the laughter of…

School at Home

School at Home

On March 13th, the day Middle School had a field trip to an amusement park, we found out that the first case of Covid 19 in Guatemala had been confirmed. Previously, a few weeks before, we had had a conversation with Dr. Luz Elena who had explained to us all about the virus and the…

Let Us Sing

Let Us Sing

Dear friends Dear friends and family in Christ:This morning while I was listening to David Jeremiah’s live stream service I had the joy of listening Amazing Grace once more. This time, in the middle of this turmoil of uncertainty, it really meant something different. “‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fearAnd grace my fears…

Train Up a Child…

Train Up a Child…

Do I need to emphasize on the fact that if the next generation is not discipled, there will be no church in 20 years or so?And by discipled I do not mean sharing with children a reference to God on occasions like Christmas or Easter only. By discipling I mean, TEACH. Sit with a child and…